Experimenting with ChatGPT for Language Learning

I want to share my experience with ChatGPT as a language learning tool, and how it has transformed my Mandarin Chinese study methodology. In this blog post, I will walk you through the most interesting parts of my conversation with ChatGPT and provide some observations from my experience.

Whether you're looking to learn a language or improve your skills in any subject, I believe you will find my experience with ChatGPT useful. So come on, let's dive into the world of language learning with ChatGPT!

Note: I will only mention certain highlights of the conversation, but you can read the full conversation here.

我們開始吧 (Let’s Begin)

When I first messaged ChatGPT with a simple request to “teach me mandarin”, I wasn't sure what to expect.

In its response, ChatGPT helped get me started with some basic words and expressions that you might find in a Chinese 101 video. Very basic stuff. While most of the response focused on how to learn Mandarin, rather than actively teaching me the language.

It provided a basic, yet solid foundation for what was to come. But I am planning to push this thing to its limits, so buckle up, buckaroo!

可理解输入 (Comprehensible Input)

Comprehensible input is a language learning concept that suggests learners acquire language best when they receive input that is just above their current level of understanding but still comprehensible.

As an intermediate speaker of Mandarin Chinese, I wanted to see if ChatGPT could generate content that was tailored to my fluency level. So, I asked ChatGPT to provide me with comprehensible input for a B1 Mandarin Chinese student, along with a glossary.

To my surprise, ChatGPT was able to generate content that was not only decently personalized and relevant but also included the glossary I was expecting with perfect defaults.

ChatGPT's ability to generate such content was mind-blowing, and it made me more confident in using it as a language learning tool.

加難!(Make it harder!)

As I continued to explore ChatGPT's capabilities, I asked it to generate even more content for a C2 level student, and also included some specific requests regarding the format of the response.

Once again, pass with flying colors. I was impressed by ChatGPT's ability to understand and fulfill my specific requests, and it further convinced me of its potential as a powerful language learning tool.

去元層 (Going Meta)

At this point, I was sold. I really wanted to push its limits, though, so I decided to tell it to round up everything he’s learned about making these contents and to start calling it a “lesson” in the context of our conversation. Felt very much like defining a class in a programming language.  

I thought that it introduced a ton of new vocabulary, which, for an A2 Student, would be quite overwhelming.


So, I asked it to justify its response by asking it a few questions…

After apologizing, once again, I was very satisfied with the result. The footer reflecting on its own response is the cherry on top.

提高水平 (Stepping it up)

The word "language" has its roots in the Latin word "lingua," which means "tongue" or "speech." Therefore, there is no language learning without the student actually producing the language. Language learning should be done in a full loop with input and output.

Subsequently, I ask it to start asking me questions about the material, so that I can engage it with conversation:

Wonderful. Five topical questions to spark a conversation with.

The conversation flows naturally.

It is courteous, on topic, keeps to the lesson’s requested fluency level.

老師反饋(Teacher’s Feedback)

At this point, I want to see how much of a teacher or tutor I can get this thing to be. The quickest way of getting better at producing your target language is to get quick, concise, and compassionate feedback. This last part is important because a lot of language learners are too shy or self-conscious to actually practice speaking with a language partner. 

So, I simply ask it to give me feedback, and specifically the kind of feedback I’m looking for.

To do this, I also included grammatical errors as well as typos and outright missing words. It got it all right, telling me exactly what each error was and why, as well as providing suggestions.

This is its response, translated for your convenience

This isn’t even my final form.

Of course, upon request, the whole system *just works* in French now. Great for practicing another one of my (lesser studied) languages!

Of course, upon request, the whole system *just works* in French now. Great for practicing another one of my (lesser studied) languages!

And, portuguese. Easy to understand for a Spanish speaker like myself.


“What can’t it do?!” I asked myself, as I typed my zaniest response yet

After this last exchange, I decided to call it a night.

In conclusion, my experience with ChatGPT as a language learning tool has been nothing short of mind-blowing. Its ability to generate personalized and relevant content that is tailored to my fluency level has transformed my Mandarin Chinese learning methodology. I am convinced that ChatGPT has the potential to change the world of language learning forever.

I promise to keep sharing my experiences with ChatGPT and to keep exploring its capabilities. As a language learning enthusiast, I am excited to see how far we can push this technology and how it can continue to aid learners in their language learning journey.

So, stay tuned for more posts on my adventures with ChatGPT, and let's continue to explore the world of language learning together.