I went to school!


Colegio Williams

All of my basic education happened at Colegio Williams, a private, bilingual, elite prep school in Mexico City.

I am very fortunate to have been part of this institution because it taught me the value of artistic appreciation and the English language from a very young age.


Universidad La Salle

My alma mater will always be Universidad La Salle (ULSA), one of the top private colleges in Mexico.

I have many fond memories of every corner of the campus and made many friends for life there. I graduated from ULSA with a B.S. in Computer Science.


Recurse Center

I simply could not have built my career in the US if it weren’t for Recurse Center. Not only did I become a dramatically better programmer, but I also met many, many people who I now consider friends for life.

If you want to be part of the best programming community in the world, and would thrive in a self-directed and collaborative environment, please apply now!